Strategic Plan
Mission Statement
As Maryland’s first historically black public university, Bowie State University empowers a diverse population of students to reach their potential by providing innovative academic programs and transformational experiences as they prepare for careers, lifelong learning, and civic responsibility. Bowie State University supports Maryland’s workforce and economy by engaging in strategic partnerships, research, and public service to benefit our local, state, national, and global communities.
Core Values
Bowie State University expects students, faculty, staff, and administrators to demonstrate outstanding levels of performance by fostering a stimulating learning and work environment.
Bowie State University is intentional about creating a community that encourages involvement, respect, and connection among students, faculty, staff, and administrators regardless of differences of race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, culture, sexual orientation, religion, age, and disability.
Bowie State University students, faculty, staff and administrators demonstrate high ethical standards in their interactions with one another and the larger community.
Bowie State University expects each member of the University community to be responsible and accountable for the outcomes of their efforts and actions.
Bowie State University aspires to infuse innovative practices into academic and administrative functions by encouraging students, faculty, staff, and administrators to utilize best practices and pursue new opportunities.
Bowie State University will be widely recognized as one of the nation’s best public comprehensive universities that is a model for academic excellence, innovation, and student success.
Goal 1 - Achieve academic excellence supported by curricular and co-curricular experiences
Bowie State University will achieve academic excellence through quality teaching, learning, and research; high-demand innovative academic programs; high-impact student activities; and strategic partnerships.
1.1 High-demand, innovative academic programs — Modify existing academic programs, and create and support new, high-demand programs that will promote the ongoing growth and development of the institution.
1.2 High-impact activities — Integrate and enhance opportunities for students to participate in study abroad, service learning, civic engagement, internships and other experiential learning activities, with University financial support available to assist those with limited means.
1.3 Engaged faculty — Recruit and retain faculty committed to student success through continuous development of excellence and innovation within their pedagogical course delivery. Provide support for faculty scholarship, research, and academic presence in their respective fields. Enhance faculty skills and capacity for applying for and managing external funding.
1.4 Cultivate external relationships — Increase corporate, educational, and government partnerships to help provide career-oriented opportunities for our students and alumni.
1.5 Undergraduate education – Re-examine the undergraduate general education experiences to prepare students for success in their majors, promote lifelong learning, and provide a foundation for personal and professional success after graduation.
1.6 Graduate education – Re-examine our approach to graduate education and revise as necessary to address the unique needs of the adult learner population and to grow enrollment.
1.7 Learning outcomes assessment – Continue to mature our system of assessing student learning outcomes and implementing curricular improvements resulting from assessment findings.
Goal 2 - Promote a holistic and coordinated approach to student success
Bowie State University will honor its rich heritage and culture by promoting access, affordability, and completion through resources and opportunities that empower students to succeed at every level of learning.
2.1 Enrollment Management Division – Create a comprehensive enrollment management approach that promotes a student-centered philosophy through a coordinated, consolidated, and streamlined system of enrollment management operations and retention activities using data, information, and program evaluation to inform continuous improvement and long-term strategic enrollment management.
2.2 New student experience program – Develop a comprehensive new-student experience program for all levels that sets standards and expectations of what it means to be a successful Bowie student.
2.3 Admission policies and procedures – Align admission policies and procedures to ensure that the University is honoring its historical mission of access and opportunity.
2.4 Financial aid awarding strategy – Develop a comprehensive financial aid awarding strategy that leverages institutional, private, state, and federal resources to strategically align resources to support student success.
2.5 Student retention and progression strategy – Develop and implement a comprehensive undergraduate and graduate retention and progression strategy by encouraging innovation and collaboration between academic and non-academic units in efforts to support student success.
2.6 Holistic student development – Integrate deliberate academic and co-curricular programs and services with the goal of developing our students intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically, artistically, creatively, and spiritually.
Goal 3 - Encourage academic and administrative innovation to meet student needs
Bowie State University will engage in academic transformation initiatives which encourage increased levels of student success and we will regularly evaluate administrative processes and leverage new approaches to improve the student experience.
3.1 Faculty experimentation/innovation – Leverage internal fiscal and physical resources and USM Academic Transformation grants and other opportunities to promote experimentation and innovation. Examine current human resource practices, promotion, and tenure expectations and the faculty merit process to recognize faculty efforts in these areas.
3.2 Academic programming through alternative formats – Offer targeted programs through alternative modalities, online delivery, at regional higher education centers, and in the community, in order to meet the needs of all prospective students and of the state, national, and global workforce.
3.3 Leverage current and new technologies to support student success – Assess the capabilities of current technologies to promote efficiency and effectiveness in administrative and academic processes and have a transparent and inclusive process for evaluating new technologies.
3.4 Construct an analytics capacity – Develop a data warehouse that incorporates a reporting tool to provide actionable information to support student retention, progression, and graduation.
Goal 4 - Enhance our campus culture of diversity, inclusion and civic engagement
Bowie State University will embrace, promote, and support a community of cultural inclusivity, diversity and accountability by ensuring that faculty, staff, and students develop a mindset of accountability in teaching, learning, support programs, and extra-curricular campus experiences designed to enhance collaboration and engagement.
4.1 Community of inclusion – Sustain our commitment to fostering and supporting a safe, civil and welcoming environment for students, faculty, and staff by being intentional about how our community encourages involvement, respect, and connection among its members.
4.2 Culturally responsive pedagogies – Expand the use of culturally responsive pedagogies through faculty development.
4.3 Multicultural programs and services – Establish an Office of Multicultural Programs and Services that promotes an appreciation of inclusion and diversity on campus and assists with the retention and graduation of international students.
4.4 Culture of historical richness – Cultivate a culture of historical richness through campus displays and events that celebrate historical significant events and outcomes.
4.5 Civic responsibility – Continue to educate the next generation of global citizens to build stronger, more engaged communities through coordinated and deliberate activities aimed at improving the quality of life in our community and strengthening our democracy through political and nonpolitical engagement.
Goal 5 - Ensure long-term viability of BSU
Bowie State University will create a unified understanding of the elements that define the unique qualities of its value to attract a culturally diverse student body and actively engage alumni, friends, and partners to address critical needs of Prince George’s County and the surrounding region. We will leverage fiscal resources from public and private sources to advance strategic priorities that create a sustainable future for the university, the county, and the state of Maryland.
5.1 Entrepreneurship/workforce development – Develop entrepreneurship education for equipping the future workforce with leadership and entrepreneurial mindset required in the twenty-first century.
5.2 Engaged employees committed to student success – Recruit and retain employees committed to student success, and support them through ongoing professional development opportunities and opportunities for advancement and engagement.
5.3 Alumni engagement – Implement strategies to solidify mutually beneficial and intentional connections between alumni and the university to expand opportunities for personal and career development for both alumni and students through the BSU for Life program.
5.4 Service for the public good/community engagement – Cultivate collaboration with business, government, economic development, and community organizations to serve the public good by using the University’s resources to impact critical areas of need including social justice, education, technology, economic development, and health.
5.5 Identity/branding – Broaden recognition of the distinctive experiences and programs that define BSU and its value for individuals and communities locally and globally.
5.6 Resource development – Grow a culture of philanthropy and enhance external funding from public and private giving, grants, contracts, partnerships and sponsorships and promote and demonstrate effective stewardship of resources to achieve the university’s strategic priorities.
5.7 Sustainability and facilities development – Continue to develop a campus infrastructure that supports a commitment to environment-friendly practices in expanding facilities that enhance student development, living and learning environments and innovative instructional practices.