

Surveys are an essential tool to support Bowie State University’s (BSU) mission of excellence in education and commitment to data-informed decision making. As an institution, we regularly seek to gather feedback from our constituencies to help guide continuous improvement.

OPAA acts as the BSU survey clearinghouse. Any surveys intended for distribution to members or prospective members of the Bowie State University community—including applicants, students, faculty, staff, alumni, and external partners—must be reviewed by the campus Survey Coordinating Committee (SCC) and placed on the campus survey calendar. This ensures all surveys adhere to established best practices and procedures. 

Please note: Approval by SCC to administer a survey is not a substitute for a review by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Surveys that are part of academic research involving human subjects must receive IRB approval. SCC survey approval is separate from the human subject protection requirements of the IRB. Information about BSU’s IRB can be found on the Office of Research and Sponsored Program’s IRB website.

Survey Guidelines and Procedures

Survey guidelines and procedures can be found here.

Survey Registration Process

To register a survey with the CSCC, please complete the Survey Registration Form. Your request will be reviewed within 7-10 business days. You will be notified via email about the status of your request within 2 weeks. If this is an urgent request, please contact OPAA.

Survey Registration Form (A pdf of the form can be found here) to ensure that you have all the required information prior to completing the form)

The form ask for the following information:

  • Description of the survey project, including the name, purpose, and intended use of results
  • The primary survey administrator and office/department responsible for the survey
  • Specific population receiving the survey (including sampling design)
  • Method of survey distribution (e.g., online or hard copy, via email, in class, at event, etc.)
  • Time frame for administering the survey, including beginning and end dates as well as reminder notifications to encourage participation
  • Evidence of IRB approval (if necessary) -  (link to IRB)
  • Description of any planned incentive program for respondents; and
  • Current draft of the survey including all emails, invitations, and cover letters. As survey requests are submitted, please be aware there are competing priorities and limited resources. The submission of a registration form on its own does not indicate the survey can be administered in the requested time frame.
  • Approval of department or office lead.

Survey Tools and Resources

BSU uses Qualtrics as approved survey platform. For information on Qualtrics, please contact the Qualtrics brand administrator.