C4 & BSU Green Ambassadors
The Climate Commitment Coordinating Committee (C4) is committed to enhancing sustainability awareness as a way of life for all campus members. The C4 consists of student representatives, faculty, staff, and community partners who meet monthly throughout the academic year to plan green activities geared toward increasing education and awareness on sustainability initiatives for the campus community.

December 2023. Not all members are present in picture.
Committee Members
- Jabari Walker, Chair (Staff) - jswalker@bowiestate.edu
- Darryl Williford, Staff - dwilliford@bowiestate.edu
- Steve Sheffield, Faculty - ssheffield@bowiestate.edu
- Alan J. Anderson, Faculty - ajanderson@bowiestate.edu
- Patricia Hughes, Faculty - phughes@bowiestate.edu
- Jatina Cooke, Staff - jcooke@bowiestate.edu
- Darsana Josyula, Faculty - djosyula@bowiestate.edu
- Jerry Isaac, Staff - jisaac@bowiestate.edu
- Steve Stephens, Staff- sstephens@bowiestate.edu
- Thomasina Boardley, Staff - tboardley@bowiestate.edu
- Ebony Gordon, Staff - egordon@bowiestate.edu
- Sumanth Reddy, Faculty - sreddy@bowiestate.edu
- Andre Tiller, Staff - atiller@bowiestate.edu
- Erica Ahmed, Alumna
- Anne Wiley, Faculty
- Kimberly Bell, Staff
- Emma Gregory, External member
- Jenny McGarvey, external member
- SGA & GSA reps are appointed each year
If you are interested in becoming a member of BSU's C4 committee, please contact Jabari Walker, Sustainability & Energy Coordinator: 301/860-4464