Department of Computer Science
Required Courses
Course Requirements ( 36 Semester hours)
I. Core Requirements ( 15 credit hours)
COSC 502 Computer Organization - 3 credits
COSC 504 Software Design and Development II - 3 credits
COSC 514 Operating Systems I - 3 credits
COSC 522 Discrete Structures - 3 credits
COSC 528 Design and Analysis of Algorithms - 3 credits
II. One Year Course Sequence (6 credit hours)
COSC 514, 614 Operating Systems I, II - 3 credits
COSC 518, 618 Computer Graphics I, II - 3 credits
COSC 523, 623 Logic, Compatibility and Automata I, II - 3 credits
COSC 531, 631 Database Design, Database and Information Systems II - 3 credits
COSC 541, 641 Numerical Analysis I, II - 3 credits
COSC 545, 645 Software Security and Applied Cryptography - 3 credits
COSC 561, 661 Compiler Design and Construction I, II - 3 credits
COSC 565 665 Software Engineering I, II - 3 credits
COSC 573, 673 Artificial Intelligence I, II - 3 credits
COSC 585, 685 Computer Communications Networks I, II - 3 credits
III. Optional Requirements (15 credit hours)
Option 1: COSC 698 Applied Research in Computer Science (3 credits) AND four (4) elective courses (12 credits)
Option 2: COSC 696 & COSC 697 Master's Thesis I & II ( 6 credits) AND three (3) elective courses (9 credits)
Approved Electives
COSC 516 Computer Architecture - 3 credits
COSC 518 Computer Graphics I - 3 credits
COSC 523 Logic, Compatibility and Automata I - 3 credits
COSC 531 Database Design - 3 credits
COSC 535 Information Privacy and Security - 3 credits
COSC 541 Numerical Analysis I - 3 credits
COSC 545 Software Security - 3 credits
COSC 551 Formal Methods in Programming Languages - 3 credits
COSC 554 Design of Embedded Systems - 3 credits
COSC 561 Compiler Design and Construction I - 3 credits
COSC 565 Software Engineering I - 3 credits
COSC 573 Artificial Intelligence I - 3 credits
COSC 575 Object-Oriented Programming and Design Paradigm - 3 credits
COSC 585 Computer Communications Networks I - 3 credits
COSC 590 Selected Topics in Computer Science - 3 credits
COSC 591 Selected Topics in Computer Science - 3 credits
COSC 592 Selected Topics in Computer Science - 3 credits
COSC 614 Operating Systems II - 3 credits
COSC 615 Performance Evaluation - 3 credits
COSC 618 Computer Graphics II - 3 credits
COSC 623 Logic, Compatibility and Automata II - 3 credits
COSC 631 Database and Information Systems II - 3 credits
COSC 641 Numerical Analysis II - 3 credits
COSC 645 Applied Cryptography - 3 credits
COSC 661 Compiler Design and Construction II - 3 credits
COSC 665 Software Engineering II - 3 credits
COSC 673 Artificial Intelligence II - 3 credits
COSC 675 Applied Combinations and Graphic Theory - 3 credits
COSC 676 Queuing Theory in Computer Science - 3 credits
COSC 678 Modeling and Simulation - 3 credits
COSC 685 Computer Communication Networks II - 3 credits
COSC 687 Distributed Computer Systems - 3 credits
COSC 690 Advanced Topics in Computer Science - 3 credits
COSC 691 Advanced Topics in Computer Science - 3 credits
COSC 692 Advanced Topics in Computer Science - 3 credits
COSC 696 Master's Thesis in Computer Science I - 3 credits
COSC 697 Master's Thesis in Computer Science II - 3 credits
COSC 698 Applied Research in Computer Science - 3 credits
COSC 719 Image Processing I - 3 credits
COSC 729 Virtual Reality and Its Applications - 3 credits
COSC 731 Principles of Data Mining - 3 credits
COSC 735 Advanced Wireless Security - 3 credits
COSC 750 Pattern Recognition I - 3 credits
COSC 819 Image Processing II - 3 credits
COSC 829 Advanced Virtual Reality Systems - 3 credits
COSC 831 Advanced Data Warehousing and Data Mining - 3 credits
COSC 871 Numerical Optimization - 3 credits
COSC 887 High Performance Computing - 3 credits