Department of Computer Science
- PI- NSF: "FW-HTF-P: Immersive Virtual Reality Instructional Modules for Response to Active Shooter Events", Division: DRL, NSF 20-515 Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier: Core Research, Award Period: 09/01/2020 to 08/31/2021, Award Number: 2026412, Award Amount: $132,352.00
- PI (BSU) - NSF Grant: "RAPID: VAPOC: Visualization, Analysis and Prediction of COVID-19", Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS), Award Period: June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, Award # 2032344, Award Amount: $40,000 (Total Amount: 100,000.00).
- PI (BSU) - NSF Grant: Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Data Science Corps (DSC): Collaborative Research: Creating and Integrating Data Science Corps to Improve the Quality of Life in Urban Areas, PI: Aryya Gangopadhyay (UMBC), Award Period: 1 October 2019 through 30 Sep 2022, Award #1923986, Award Amount: $1,198,769.00
- PI - ARL Grant: Avatars to represent human behavior in a Collaborative Virtual Environment, under The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL), Award no.: W911NF1820224, funded by ARL-HRED division under Assessment and Analysis campaign. Award Period: 09/05/2018 to 08/28/2020, Award Amount: $85,000.00.
- PI - ARL Grant: Megacity: Avatars in Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE) approach for Decision Making, under The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL), Award: W911NF-17-2-0133, funded by ARL-HRED division under Assessment and Analysis campaign. Award Period: 08/04/2017 to 03/28/2019, Award Amount: $85,000.00.
- PI - NSF Grant : "A Problem-Based Learning Approach to Teach Gaming and Development of Gaming Instructional Modules to Enhance Student Learning in Lower Level Core Courses", funded by the National Science Foundation. Award Number: HRD-1238784, Award Period: 10/01/2012 to 10/01/2017. Award Amount: $299,500.00
- PI -DHS Grant: DHS Scientific Leadership Award, "Developing Homeland Security Expertise to Support Emergency Evacuation Research (HS-SEER)", Award Number: 2011-ST-062-000050, Award Period 09/01/2011 to 08/31/ 2015. Award Amount: $229,901.29.
- PI -NSF Grant: "Increasing Expertise of Minority Students by Development of a Virtual and Augmented Reality Laboratory for Research and Education at Bowie State University", funded by the National Science Foundation. Award Number: HRD-1137541, Award Period: 09/15/2011 to 08/31/2014. Award Amount: $299,489.00.
- PI - Juxtopia Inc., Award Period: 09/10/2012 to 1/1/2013 entitled “Video Conferencing Software for Android Operating System: Implementing the Juxtopia® CAARS Video Conference (CAARS VC) Module”. Award Amount: $4,500.00.
- PI - NASA Grant: "Modeling and Simulation of Emergency Behavior in Virtual Reality for Airport Safety" funded by NASA Langley, under CIBAC department grant. Award Period: Academic Year: 2011-2012.
- PI -TEDCO/ USAMRMC Grant: BAA-08-1 grant for "Voice FMC: A speech recognition, speech synthesis, and natural language processing system", Year: Dec. 2009 - Dec. 2010 (AMOUNT: $55,000.00).
- PI - BETTER Grant "Virtual Reality as a tool for learning and education", (Year: 2008, 2009, 2010), Department mini grant (AMOUNT: $15,000.00 /year).
- PI -NASA: CIBAC Grant, "Simulation and Modeling for Aircraft Safety", (Year: 2008, 2009, 2010), Department mini grant. (AMOUNT:1-month summer, 25%-time release).
- PI -Thurgood marshal college funds, TMCF/DOE HBCU technology graduate student award, "Online Data Backup System", Year: 2009-2010. (AMOUNT: $5,000.00).