Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Alia Webb
Thesis Statement
For my senior thesis exhibition I wanted to show how dreams can affect us while also showing how easily they can distort our reality. Reality is defined as: the state of things as they actually exist, rather than the way they may appear or are imagined. My senior thesis film "DREAM" is the story of a young man struggling with a reoccurring nightmare where nothing is as it seems.
- Major and Concentration: VCDMA - Digital Cinema & Time Based Media
- Senior Thesis Website
- With my art I communicate, and different mediums allow me to tell different stories. I am attracted to the exciting, the unknown and the unseen. A lot of my subjects are not typical and I enjoy being atypical. From conceptualization to producing I have learned that all art is different so I must think different with each piece I create. I create with the intention to make not only myself think deeper but also my viewers. As a filmmaker I want to push my viewers to think outside the box. I want to appeal to their emotions and connect through the screen allowing them to step into a new reality.
Dream by Alia Webb from DFPA | Bowie State University on Vimeo.