Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Kandice Morton
Infinite Curse of a lonely heart
Thesis Statement
My senior thesis is titled “Infinite Curse of a lonely heart”. When it comes to my work, I pour a lot of emotion and passion into what I do. Personally, I do not like watching horror movies but recently all of my movies have been horror and thriller based. In my most recent film I decided to step out of my comfort zone. Throughout the tour of my senior exhibition. The viewer will be able to view projects I have done throughout my time at bowie state, In addition to the many skills I have to offer and how they are tied into my exhibit.
- Major and Concentration: VCDMA - Digital Cinema & Time Based Media
- Senior Thesis Website
- Throughout my journey as an up-and-coming Filmmaker/Screenwriter. I have experienced many hardships with more to come. I create films to express my unique imagination. I would like for people to come along on the crazy journey that I will take them on. I seek to invoke a sense of suspense out of the audience and let them use their imagination create their own conclusion. During my journey, my goal is create content that inspires people to love the art of filmmaking as much as I do.
Trouble Follows Me by Kandice Morton from DFPA | Bowie State University on Vimeo.