Department of Natural Sciences


Fill out the electronic application below and include the requested documents by the deadline, February 15, 2025.

Global REU Application - Food Security

Residency status*
Describe your involvement in extracurricular, community, and/or vocational activies. Please include dates and locations.
Excellent, good, or fair. For example, Spanish - fair, French - excellent
List the countries you've visited, as well as the type and duration of each visit. Include any international programs you've participated in.
Indicate your interest in the Striga project*
Indicate your interest in the Sorghum project*
Indicate your interest in the Indigenous Vegetable project*
Indicate your interest in the Rhizobium project*
Indicate your interest in the Aflatoxins project*
Indicate your interest in the Fusarium sp and Fumonisin project*
Indicate your interest in the Nematode Biocontrol project
Does your institution provide research opportunities for undergraduates?

The following questions are optional.

Your gender
Do you identify as Hispanic or Latino/a/x?
Race (check all that apply)
If you indicated "other" above