Department of Natural Sciences

Program Details


Students will be required to attend a mandatory virtual orientation for one week before departure to Kenya for an intensive boot camp on safety, ethics and the responsible conduct of research, the history and culture of Kenya, and basic scientific principles to prepare for the research project. The next 3 weeks are dedicated to research at University of Nairobi (Kenya). Each ASI will include lectures by US and Kenyan Scientists, a field trip, followed by laboratory analysis of samples. The student team of one US and one Kenyan student will collaborate with their US and Kenyan mentors to develop experimental plans, will perform analysis and then will give joint presentations at the end of the ASI during a closing Symposium. Each team will co-author a scientific presentation that will be given by the US student at an international conference post-ASI. It is expected that some will publish the results in peer-reviewed journals.

The ASI is to be led by PI and Director; Dr Anne Osano; and the Co-PI, Dr Jiangnan Peng of Morgan State University. The ASI is done in collaboration with Dr. Eike Reich, President; International Association for the Advancement of High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography ( HPTLC); and hosted by a).University of Nairobi as led by Dr Margaret Oluka, , Prof Sheila Okoth PhD,  b) , International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE); Dr Xavier Cheseto.

For more information, contact PI as .


Plant Metabolomics Advanced Training Institute (ASI) will use metabolomics approaches to study Tropical Plants used in Traditional Medicine system in Kenya, Africa. Metabolomics Technologies is one of the most recent of the ‘-omics’ approaches to emerge that enables the analysis of the metabolite production by plants. Higher plants are ‘treasure houses’ for a repertoire of phytochemicals, particularly secondary metabolites with bioactive molecules which been used to combat several fatal diseases the world over. Some of Kenyan forests have been defined as biodiversity hotspot of great global importance and yet some of these plants are threatened with extinction.


This is a federally-funded program and requires that student participants be:

  • At least 18 years old by June 1, 2025.
  • U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents of the U.S. or its territories.
  • Students in good standing at graduate degree program who will not have graduated by the end of this IRES program.

Program Dates

June 1, 2025 to June 30, 2025


Recruitment and participant selection will focus on graduate students with outstanding research potential with special emphasis on graduate students from underrepresented groups.

Application Dates

November 1, 2024 to February 15, 2025

Application Packet

Fill out the electronic application and include the requested documents by the deadline, February 15, 2025.

Letter(s) of Recommendation

At least two letters of recommendation from a professor, advisor, or project/research mentor . Please ask your letter-writer to email their letter to and copy with IRES II somewhere in the subject line. Each applicant will be contacted soon after the application deadline.

Visa Matters and Passports

Students will be required to obtain passports for the international travels which they will be responsible for including the expenses. Visas must be obtained before any travel plans can be completed. It takes approximately one month for visa issuance after receipt of documentation.

Living and Dining Arrangements

The students will be housed at the La Maison Hotel. The hotel is very secure with 24-hour security and is a walking distance to the University of Nairobi, Chiromo campus where the students will be based at the College of Biological and Physical Sciences. The hotel has complementary free internet and Wi-Fi facilities with rooms which have air conditioning and are well sprayed against insects, especially mosquitoes.

Kenyan Cuisine

Food is guaranteed to be different from what students are used to but they will be encouraged to experiment and enjoy some of the world’s best cuisine. While adjusting, include some familiar foods, Kenya has many restaurants that serve American food.


There is a stipend for US citizens only. Lodging/room and all travel costs for the program are also covered by the NSF IRES.

For more information, contact PI, Dr Anne Osano:, phone 301 860 3368.


Applicants must adhere to Bowie State University Covid-19 requirements.