Accounting, Finance & Economics
Banking & Finance Concentration
Do you dream of becoming a financial guru who can finesse Wall Street investments or develop Federal Reserve regulations? As an expert in the art and science of managing money, you’ll be qualified for countless career opportunities in the financial world. Our students learn to develop innovative solutions that help companies and individuals manage wealth, adapt to changes in the market and meet financial goals. This concentration will get you ready for the diverse landscape of the banking industry.
Through a study of the economic, social and regulatory environments, students will examine core concepts and analytical tools necessary to make sound financial and business decisions. As a banking and finance student, you will:
- Master financial theories like asset valuation and time value of money.
- Articulate and defend financial decisions using appropriate business terminology.
- Strengthen the communication and teamwork skills you’ll need to lead.
- Develop mentoring abilities to provide clients with sound financial advice.
- Understand how current global and cultural issues affect business and finance.
Additionally, you will take core courses in economics, accounting and business administration. Through practicum and real-world experience, the program will teach you to understand financial risk and uncertainty. You’ll graduate with the working knowledge of financial analysis, management and systems.