Department of Counseling

School Psychology


Q: Will I be Nationally Certified when I finish your program?

A: Our program is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Hence, candidates who successfully complete our program and pass the Praxis Exam in School Psychology are eligible for national certification through the NASP.  However, it should be noted that program completers must submit paperwork to NASP since they make the final decision regarding approval for national certification.

Q: Can I keep my full-time job while I am in your program?

A: No, our classes occur during the day and in the evening. Currently, the school psychology program is a sixty (60) hour -three (3) year cohort program. Candidates typically take four (4) intense graduate courses a semester for two (2) years in addition to engaging in school-based activities during the day. During year three (3), candidates work as interns for an entire school year in P-12 schools. Program completers who successfully completed our program typically worked no more than twenty (20) to twenty -five (25) hours a week.

Q: When and how do I submit to advancement to candidacy?

A: The Graduate School requires that one have at least a 3.25 GPA at the completion of 12 to 18 credit hours, and an approved program of study. When those three conditions are met, students can apply for candidacy. Please contact the Department of Counseling’s Administrative Assistant and you will be provided with instructions on how to apply for Advancement to Candidacy.

Q: How will I complete my field experiences (Practicum/Internship) with many schools moving to virtual learning?

A: Trainees in school psychology programs are required to complete practicum and internship experiences. As school systems identify how they will deliver instruction to children (e.g., face to face, virtual, or both), their department of school psychological services will provide field experiences for practicum and internship candidates congruent with their current mode(s) of delivery. In addition, the program will continue to seek opportunities to provide additional field experiences for candidates where possible.

Q: When do I start practicum, and will the program help me find a practicum site? What about Internship?

A: Typically, students take Practicum I and II in the second year of the program. The program coordinator or designee works with each district to assist in securing practicum placements. Candidates who are eligible for internships must apply and compete for an internship position. School systems typically post their internship openings (six) 6 to (ten) 10 months prior to the time the candidate is eligible to start internship.

Q: Do I have to do a thesis?

A: No, you do not. Completing a master’s thesis is optional. Consider completing a thesis if you anticipate moving on to a doctoral training program.

Q: What is the employment rate of BSU Program Completers in school psychology?

A: There is a shortage of school psychologists across the country. In the past three (3) years Summer 2020, 2019, 2018) 100% of program completers were employed for the upcoming fall school year. The Occupational Outlook Handbookprojects an increased need for school psychologists over the next several years. Our completers are working in school systems across the country.

Q: How do I sign-up for the Department of Counseling’s Student Listserv?

A: Please contact our Administrative Assistant for details.