Department of Counseling
General Steps to Follow
- File an application for admission to the Graduate School.
- Have college and/or university you previously attended submit official transcripts directly to the Graduate School.
- Attend New Candidate (Student) Orientation to establish an approved Program of Study.
- Attend New Student Orientation and meet with an advisor to discuss your academic plan and complete a program of study.
- Review the graduate catalog for information about the Student Code of Conduct and policies and procedures governing the University.
- Attend mandatory department-wide Student Information Session
- After the completion of the first 12-18 credit hours in your approved program with a GPA of 3.25 or better, apply for Advancement to Candidacy by completing an “Advancement To Candidacy" Form.
- Register for Graduate Comprehensive Examination. See program for specifications.
- Attend an Orientation to Comprehensive Exam in preparation for the exam (date announced each semester by the department, usually in February and September). Comprehensive exams are offered during fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students must complete specified core courses before taking Comprehensive Exam.
- Candidate must successfully pass the comprehensive examination prior to enrollment in the practicum, internship, and seminar courses in School Counseling and Counseling Psychology. Mental Health Counseling students must pass before enrolling in Internship II.
- Attend an Orientation to Practicum one year prior to enrolling in the Practicum class. Candidate must attend this orientation in order to be eligible for the practicum class (date announced each semester by the department; it is usually scheduled in October and April).
- Complete an on-site practicum placement in the schools (School Counseling and School Psychology Candidates) or community (Counseling Psychology and Mental Health candidates).
- Candidate must have completed Practicum in order to be eligible for the internship class
- Complete an on-site internship in the schools, School Counseling and School Psychology Candidates, or Community Counseling Psychology and Mental Health candidates).
- File Application for Graduation (see Appendix).