Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.

Scholars Fellow Program

The Scholar Fellows program is a mentoring, networking, and professional development platform for undergraduate, masters, and doctoral scholars interested in teaching, leading, mentoring, and research, while developing Black male teachers and students. Scholar Fellows will network and receive mentoring from Black college professors, educational leaders and alumni committed to supporting their academic, career, and professional development. The Scholar Fellows program will work to create a personalized pedagogical, educational and leadership plan that will promote career enhancement, and entrepreneurialism by supporting each fellows reach professional goals. 

Faculty, staff, teachers, alumni, entrepreneurs, and partners connected to and associated with the Center for Research and Mentoring of Black Male Students and Teachers will support Scholar Fellows in teaching, leading, mentoring, researching, or serving Black male students, teachers, and leaders. 


  • Fellows will network and receive mentoring from Black college professors, Black male teachers and leaders, and alumni who will support their academic, leadership, career, or entrepreneurial development; 
  • Fellows will learn about developing their educational and career trajectories, pedagogical repertoire, and entrepreneurship endeavors; 
  • Fellows will participate in, engage in, or lead mentoring programs for Black male students or prospective teachers; 
  • Fellows will engage in local, statewide, national, and international projects and experiences that serve students, schools, families, communities, and programs; 
  • Fellows will be actively engaged in the Black Male Teachers College, Black Male Teacher Initiative Consortium, Bowie Black Male Educators and Leaders Alliance; and/or community outreach; 
  • Fellows will participate in workshops and professional development opportunities for teaching, mentoring, leading, applying for and succeeding in graduate school, conducting and understanding research; 
  • Fellows will be provided with the opportunity to conduct research individually and collaboratively with faculty, researchers, and peers; 
  • Fellows will attend, participate in, and present at conferences, publish manuscripts; 
  • Fellows will learn about earning a master's, or doctoral degrees will be provided mentorship and educational support and guidance; 
  • Fellows will learn about becoming teacher leaders, school leaders, district leaders, superintendents/CEOs in schools and districts, and mentorship and career development guidance and support. 

Scholar Fellows are encouraged to participate in the experiences, programming, and initiatives that are most closely aligned with their personal, educational, career or entrepreneurial goals. 

Applying to the Program

Students can apply or may be invited to be scholar fellow: please send an email to: