Reflection Activities

30 Day “A Better U” Wellness Challenge

  1. Who am I? Who have I been? And Who do I want to be?
  2. What do I want most in life? How can I get it?
  3. What are your biggest barriers? Why do these barriers block me? How can I work with these shortcomings?
  4. Pretend that you’re living your ultimate dream. It could be regarding your job, lifestyle, home anything but write about a typical day in your life.
  5. If you had the courage to do anything you wanted, what would you do?
  6. Write about the very first memory you have. What does it mean? Why do you think you remember this and not anything before?
  7. When you wake up, write down 5 things that you are grateful for. Repeat when you go to sleep but don’t repeat anything on your list.
  8. What do the holidays mean to you? How do you intend to celebrate the upcoming holiday?
  9. Do you tend to do most of the giving or receiving in your personal relationships? How can you change this dynamic or improve it?
  10. Do you have any regrets? If so, how can you let go of these regrets or makeup for them?
  11. Think of how you imagined yourself “grown up” when you were younger. Then write a letter to the younger you. Would you be proud of yourself? What advice would you give?
  12. Observe your surroundings and write a narrative of what’s going on around you without punctuation.
  13. Who has had the greatest impact on your life and why? It can be a teacher, a parent, a friend, an event, anything?
  14. If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
  15. How does food make me feel? How do I wish I felt about food?
  16. Dear body, I love you because…
  17. What are my biggest challenges with food and body?
  18. What is your greatest accomplishment so far and how did you achieve it?
  19. How do you cope with stressful/difficult situations? Assess your coping mechanisms and if you see that they aren’t healthy, think of how you can change them?
  20. If you could hang out with anyone in the world, dead or alive, for a day, who would it be and why? What would you do?
  21. Think of something not-so-nice you’ve recently said or of resentment you’ve been holding on for someone. Write down what you said or what happened and read through. Is it worth holding on to? How can you let this go?
  22. There’s always room for improvement. What is one thing you can do each day to better yourself?
  23. Write about your first childhood friend. What kind of impact do you think they had on your life?
  24. Think about the best vacation/trip you’ve ever been on. Why was it so great? Would it be different if you went again?
  25. Write about a time you felt weak, and focus on how you became strong again. What does this say about your character?
  26. Write a poem about your family. How have they shaped you? What members have had the greatest impact?
  27. What advice would “older” me probably like to tell “now” me?
  28. Looking back over the past 27 days of writing, what patterns or understanding can I now see about the emotional side of my emotional eating?
  29. What words do I wish someone would say to me right now? How can I give that to myself this year?
  30. Looking back over the past 30 days of journaling, what do I now know that I didn’t know before? How can I take this forward into action?