Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.

VIII - 7.10 - Policy and Procedures on Reporting Suspected Known Fiscal Irregularities

I. Purpose

To provide procedures for handling all suspected incidents of fraud within the University.

II. Policy

A. In compliance with The Policies and Procedures of the Board of Regents, Section VIII - 7.10, Policy on Reporting Suspected or Known Fiscal Irregularities, the President has identified the Bowie State University Internal Auditor as the institutional official responsible for receipt, investigation and reporting of instances of known or suspected fiscal irregularities.

B. Any student, faculty member or employee who knows of or suspects fiscal irregularity within the University shall report this information to the University Internal Audit Office. Every effort will be made to ensure the confidentiality of any person reporting suspected financial misconduct. No retaliation will be tolerated against any individual who, in good faith, furnishes information about known or suspected fiscal irregularities.

III. Procedures

A. Any case of known or suspected fiscal irregularities, such as embezzlement, theft, falsification of documents or financial conflicts of interest, will be reported immediately to the Bowie State University Internal Audit Office. However, a person who suspects financial misconduct may initially report the suspicion to the System Administration Internal Audit Office. Preliminary findings of that office will be reported to the Chancellor and the University President for further action.

B. The Bowie State University Internal Audit Office will immediately notify the President, the Chancellor, the System Administration Internal Audit Office, the manager of the financial operations where the fiscal irregularity allegedly occurred, and the Office of the Attorney General of alleged financial misconduct.

C. The University Internal Audit Office will immediately investigate the report of alleged misconduct, following those procedures deemed necessary. Upon the completion of the preliminary investigation, the Internal Auditor will report the findings to the President, who, in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, shall determine a course of action. The determination of the President will be reported to the Chancellor and the System Administration Internal Audit Office.

D. The Office of the Attorney General will make a determination concerning criminal prosecution independent of the President's determination. No University or System Administration official may promise known or suspected offenders that the System will forego criminal prosecution or enter into a written agreement that precludes prosecution.

G. Federal reporting requirements will be followed if the financial irregularities involve federal grant funds.


Effective Date: 11/30/1993