Contact Us
Student Help
For the items below, email Phone: 301-860-3330 or 301-860-3329. If you do not hear back within 48 hours, contact the Department of Natural Sciences at 301-860-3330 or 301-860-3329.
- Natural Sciences Tutoring
- Administrative matters
- Advisement/advisors
- Registration
- Change of major
- Class schedules
- Grade change
- Contacting professors - contact your professor through the online directory. If all else fails, email Phone Number: 301-860-3330 OR 301-860-3329.
- Permission Code - permission code requests can be completed here
Parents of Students
- For parental concerns contact the Chair directly: Dr. George Ude -
Vendor Help
For the items below, email Phone: 301-860-3330 or 301-860-3329.
- Budget
- Finance
- Accounts Payable
- Equipment
- Vendor Inquiries
For the items below, email Phone: 301-860-3330 or 301-860-3329.
- Faculty/Staff support
- Hiring and employment opportunities