Frequently Asked Questions
What is PRAXIS I?
Praxis I is a combination of high-school level reading, writing, and math basic skills tests administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS). All Praxis tests are offered on Bowie State's campus through the Office of Testing Services. The writing test includes an essay section. Praxis I may be taken in two different formats: computer-based (CBT, offered year-round at authorized testing centers) and paper-based (offered six times per academic year at authorized testing locations).
Why do I have to take the PRAXIS Series tests?
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) requires all beginning and provisional teachers in all content areas to pass Praxis I. The teacher education program at Bowie State University requires all teacher candidates to submit qualifying Praxis I scores before admittance to the professional program. A student cannot earn a degree before passing Praxis II.
What are the qualifying scores for PRAXIS I?
There are two ways you can meet qualifying scores as established by MSDE. First, you can meet the minimum score for each basic skills test:
- Reading: 177
- Writing: 173
- Math: 177
The other way to meet MSDE requirements is to pass with a composite score. If you have not achieved a qualifying score on all three parts of the test, you may still satisfy the PRAXIS I requirement if the sum of your scores meets or exceeds the new composite score. The composite score for the PPST and CPPST is 527. You may combine PPST and CPPST scores to meet this standard. (Note: Scores from computer-based tests taken prior to 2003 may not be combined with paper test scores.)
How much does it cost to take PRAXIS I?
ETS charges a non-refundable $40 registration fee for the paper-based tests. Each of the individual paper-based tests will cost $35 and you can take them on the same day or on separate days. In the case of the latter, you will be charged a registration fee for each testing date. The computer based tests fees vary, depending on how many assessments you are taking on the testing date. One test will cost $85, two tests $110, and three tests $125. The registration fee is included for computer based tests.
What information do I need to register for the paper PRAXIS I exam?
You will need codes for the individual tests. Bowie State University is an authorized testing center and as an attending institution, and MSDE as the reporting agency:
- PPST Reading: 10710
- PPST Writing: 20720
- PPST Math: 10730
- Testing Center: Bowie State University, 07653
- Reporting Agency: MSDE, R 7403
- Attending Institution: Bowie State University, RA5401
Additional information such as the code for your subject area can be found in the Praxis Registration Bulletin.
How soon should I take PRAXIS I?
The College of Education recommends that teacher candidates take Praxis I during their sophomore year. You must meet qualifying scores before you can be admitted into the professional phase of the curriculum at the beginning of your junior year.
How can I prepare for PRAXIS I?
The College of Education offers several resources for teacher candidates to prepare for Praxis I:
- EDUC 220: Tests Criterion (3 credits)
- Plato, a web-based software consisting of 1,100 interactive, multimedia modules in reading, writing, and math. The software will assess your knowledge in each of the basic skills areas and then customize a tutorial based on your strengths and weaknesses.
- Peer tutors are available in the Praxis Lab for one-on-one instruction in mathematics and writing.
- ETS study guides, which also address Praxis II. Although these tests may not be checked out, there are copies available on reserve in the Thurgood Marshall Library.
Visit the Praxis Lab, which is located in CLT 238, for more information on these services.
Ccan I retake the test if I fail?
You may retake each Praxis I test as many times as you need to pass it, up to six times per year. You must wait 60 days before you can retest on the same paper-based exam or 30 days to retest on the computer.
What if I miss the registration deadlines?
If you miss both the regular and late registration deadlines, you can attempt to test as a standby. Standbys are accepted on a limited basis at test centers based on the availability of staff, space, and test materials. Although ETS will try to accommodate you, there is no guarantee that you will be admitted as a standby. If you are planning to test as a standby have a check or money order for $65 ready, plus the test and registration fees. You will also need a completed registration form, available in The Praxis Series Registration Bulletin.
How long will it take to receeive my scores?
Scores for computer-based tests are available faster than scores for paper-based tests. Scores for the reading and math sections of the computerized PPST are reported on the screen immediately following the test. Official scores for these sections and for the Writing section are mailed to you and to your designated score recipients approximately 2-3 weeks after your test date. Scores for paper-based tests in the Praxis Series are mailed out four weeks following the test date.
Scores for Praxis II are available by phone about 27 days after the exam date. The score reports are mailed approximately 30 days after the exam date.