Summative Performance-based Assessment

Educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA)

Maryland State Board of Education approved the adoption of two assessments for teacher certification in 2019. These two Performance assessments are the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT) and Pearson’ Educative Performance Assessment (edTPA).  These assessments will replace the current Praxis Principles for Learning and Teaching (PLT) assessment. The final administration of PLT in the state of Maryland is June 2022.

To meet the statewide assessment changes, Bowie State University chose to use edTPA as the summative assessment for the teacher preparation program. The edTPA program was started fall 2020 and effective 2025, Maryland will require teaching candidates to submit edTPA for national scoring and to meet the minimum cut score.

Visit and edTPA for Maryland for further detailed information.

For more information on edTPA at Bowie State University, please contact:

Dr. Terri T. Showers
Program Coordinator
James E. Proctor, Jr. Bldg., Room 256