Funding Opportunities

Here is where you can find active funding opportunities from various sponsors.  Please review the announcement carefully and if you are interested in submitting a proposal, follow the Proposal Submission Process on ORSP’s Pre-Award web page.

Funding Opportunity Title
Sponsor Submission Due Date (by 5 p.m. unless noted otherwise)

F.20 Mentorship and Opportunities in STEM with Academic Institutions for Community Success (MOSAICS) Seed Funding 

NSF-National Science Foundation


Emergency Competitive Revision to Existing NIH Awards National Institute of Health 04/18/2027
NSF 24-584: Advanced Technological Education (ATE) National Science Foundation 10/02/2025

Cellular Models of HIV Pathogenesis within NIDDK Mission Areas (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health


Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Substance Use Research (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health


University Student Research Challenge (USRC)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Dear Colleague Letter: Use-Inspired Creativity Extension for the Bioeconomy (UICREX-Bioeconomy)

National Science Foundation
