Sociology Major
Core Requirements
Required for Major (36 Semester hours)
SOCI 101 — Introduction to Sociology (3) SOCI 203 — Deviant Behavior (3) SOCI 307 — Sociological Theory (3) SOCI 309 — Elementary Statistics in Sociology (3) SOCI 408 — Collective Behavior (3) SOCI 412 — Methods of Sociological Research (3) SOCI 413 — Data Analysis Sociology (3) ANTH 102 — Introduction to Anthropology (3) ____ ___ — Sociology Electives
Communication Skills (6 semester hours)
ENGL 101 — Composition and Literature I (3) ENGL 102 — Composition and Literature II (3)
Arts and Humanities (9 semester hours)
Disciplines/courses: philosophy, speech, theatre, art, music (excluding workshops), modern languages, literature, interdisciplinary African American studies. Limit of two courses from any one discipline.
PHIL ___ — Philosophy Elective (3) ____ ___ — Arts/Humanities Elective (6)
Science (7 – 8 semester hours)
BIO 101 — Biological Science (4) ____ ___ — Science Elective (3)
Mathematics (3 semester hours or 1 course)
Math 116 — Intro. Math Ideas (3) or Math 118 — Finite Math (3) or Math 125 — College Algebra (3)
Social Science (6 Credits)
ECON 211 — Macroeconomics (3) HIST 114 — African-American History to 1865 or HIST 115 African-American History since 1865 (3) PSYC 101 — General Psychology (3) ____ ___ — Social Sciences Elective (3) (may be chosen from history, economics, anthropology, political science, sociology, psychology, geography, social work, interdisciplinary social science)
Emerging Issues (3 semester hours)
COSC 110 — Computer Literacy and Applications (3) or COSC 112/113 — Computer Science I (3) or II (3) COSC 290 — Programming in Computer Science
Institutional Requirements (6 semester hours)
FRSE 101 — Freshman Seminar (3) HEED 102 — Life and Health or IDIS 210 Contemporary Health Issues for Women (3) Note: The department reserves the right to specify specific general education courses, in keeping with COMAR, for its majors.
Foreign Language Requirement*
SPAN 101-102 — First-Year Spanish I and II (6) SPAN 201-202 — Second-Year Spanish I and II (6) or FREN 101-102 — First-Year French I and II* (6) FREN 201-202 — Second-Year French I and II (6)
*BA degree only