Sociology Major
Sample Program
First Semester (15 Semester Hrs)
SOCI 101 — Introduction to Sociology (3) ENGL 101 — Composition and Literature I (3) FRSE 101 — Freshman Seminar (3) MATH 118 — Finite Mathematics or MATH 125 — College Algebra (3) COMM 101 — Oral Communication* (3)
Second Semester (16 Semester Hrs)
ANTH 102 — Introduction to Anthropology (3) COSC ___ — Computer Science Elective (3) ENGL 102 — Composition and Literature II (3) BIOL ___ — Biology Elective (4) ____ ___ — Arts and Humanities Elective (3)
First Semester (18 Semester Hrs)
PSYC 101 — General Psychology (3) HEED ___ — Health and Wellness Elective (3) HIST 114 — African American History to 1865 (3) or HIST 115 — African American History Since 1865 (3) SOCI ___ — Sociology Elective (3) ____ ___ — Arts and Humanities Elective (3) or Foreign Language (3) ____ ___ — Natural Science Elective (3)
Second Semester (15 Semester Hrs)
SOCI ___ — Sociolgy Elective (3) HIST ___ — History Elective (3) Arts and Humanities Elective (3) or Foreign Language (3) ____ ___ — Social Sciences Elective (3) ____ ___ — General Elective (3)
First Semester (12 Semester Hrs)
SOCI ___ — Sociology Elective (3) ECON ___ — Macroeconomics (3) ____ ___ — General Elective (3) or Foreign Language (3) ____ ___ — General Elective (3)
Second Semester (15 Semester Hrs)
SOCI 307 — Sociological Theory (3) SOCI 309 — Elementary Statistics in Sociology (3) SOCI ___ — Sociology Elective (3) ____ ___ — General Elective (3) or Foreign Language (3) ____ ___ — General Elective (3)
First Semester (15 Semester Hrs)
SOCI 412 — Methods of Sociological Research (3) SOCI ___ — Sociology Elective (3) ____ ___ — General Electives (9)
Second Semester (14 Semester Hrs)
SOCI 413 — Data Analysis in Sociology (3) ____ ___ — General Electives (11)