Department of Nursing
Scholarship Opportunities
All nursing scholarship and grant opportunity announcements are posted frequently during the academic semester.
- F.A. Davis Nursing Scholarship
- National Black Nurses Association (NBNA) Scholarship
- Minority in Nursing Scholarships
- Black Nurses Association of the Greater Washington DC Area, Inc.
- Thurgood Marshall College Fund
- NAACP Scholarships
- Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) NURS CORPS Scholarship
- Foundation of National Student Nurses’ Association Scholarships
- Coursey Enterprises
- Johnson&Johnson Scholarship
- All Nursing Schools
- Labor of Love Scholarship (AACN)
- The Greater Washington Urban League Scholarship
State of Maryland
- The Nursing Foundation of Maryland
- Maryland Nurses Association (MNA)
- MHEC State Delegate Scholarship
- MHEC Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant Program
- Maryland Board of Nursing (MBON)
- Maryland Organization of Nurse Leaders (MONL)
- Black Nurses of Southern Maryland (BNSMD)
- AORN of Baltimore Undergraduate Scholarship (pdf)
- The Baltimore Community Foundation Scholarships
- The Daily Record Maryland Top 100 Women Scholarship
Specialized & Military Scholarships
- The Army Nurse Corps Association (ANCA)
- Pat Tillman Scholarship
- Exceptional Nurse Scholarships (Disability)
- The American Association for Men in Nursing (Males Only)
- Helen Fuld Trust Sigma Nursing Scholarships (Accelerated Nursing Program Only)
- MHEC (Non-Maryland Resident) Tuition Reduction Scholarship
- Jack & Jill Foundation Scholarship
- African American Student Scholarships & Resources Guide
- National Pan-Hellenic Council of Washington D.C.
- Miller-Erb Nursing Scholarship
Graduate Nursing
- American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Scholarship-NurseThink
- Tylenol Future Care Scholarship
- NurseJournal: Top Nursing Scholarships for MSN Students
- National League for Nursig Foundation Scholarships
International Scholarships