Steps To Registering Online
Current Students
- Review the classes you need to fulfill degree requirements. Go to Bulldog Connection, log in, click on Academics, then click on “View Advisement Report.”
- From the Schedule in Bulldog Connection, obtain the four-digit class number for the class section(s) for which you will seek approval.
- Make an appointment to see your advisor for approval or assistance in selecting classes. If you do not know who your academic advisor is, contact the Academic Advisement Center at 301-860-4065.
- Request that your advisor remove the ADV Hold (undergraduate students only).
- Graduate students—make sure you follow your approved program proposal/Academic Advising Report.
- To register for classes, go to Bulldog Connection and click on “Enroll in a Class” under the Academics heading on the left-hand side.
- Select an enrollment term. Enter the four-digit class number for each class.
- Click the "Submit" button once you have added your classes. "Success" is an acknowledgement of obtaining a seat in the class. Verify your success by clicking on "View My Schedule.”
- Print your schedule, make your payment at the Office of Student Accounts or online, and attend your classes!
- If you get an "Errors Found” message, click on the hyperlink, read the error message, and seek advisement.
- Here is a guide to help you Register for Class How to Register for Classes.
Currently enrolled and can't remember or lost your login?
Report to the Division of Information Technology’s Help Desk for assistance—ground floor in the rear of Marshall Library—or call 301-860-4357.
New Students
- Complete an admissions application.
- Get admitted to the University.
- Meet with an academic advisor.