Department of Computer Science
Research & Publications
Faculty and students are conducting research in computer and network security, privacy and trust. Drs. Seonho Choi, Bo Yang, and Azene Zenebe, with their students, are spearheading this effort.
Department of Computer Science Department Research Labs
- Autonomous Technologies Laboratory
- Center for High-Performance Information Processing (CHIP)
- Computational Perception & Animation Laboratory
- Cyber Security Application Laboratory
- Virtual Reality Laboratory (VR Lab)
- Dr. Weifeng Xu, Dr. Jie Yan, Daryl Stone, A Collaborative Forensic Framework for Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats, 2021 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2021), KSIR Virtual Conference Center, Pittsburgh, USA, July 1-10 2021.
- Dr. Jie Yan, Claude Turner, Dwight Richards, Animated Commentator Enhanced Network Monitoring and Visualization Application for Cyber Security Competition. The 14th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (IEEE BigDataSE 2020), Guangzhou, China, December 29, 2020 - January 1, 2021
- Dr. Weifeng Xu, Dr. Jie Yan, Hongmei Chi, A Forensic Evidence Acquisition Model for Data Leakage Attacks, the 17th IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics(IEEE ISI), July1-3, ShenZhen, China. 2019
- Dr. Darsana Josyula, The Kasai Algorithm, 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 17-20, 2017, refereed conference paper.
- Dr. Bo Yang, Global Reference Table Relationship Graph Between Extracted Entities Algorithm, CSC’17; The 15th International Conference on Scientific Computing, July 7, 2017, conference proceedings.
- Dr. Frank Xu, Measure of Source Code Readability Using Word Concreteness and Memory Retention of Variable Names, 41st Annual IEEE Computer Software & Applications Conference, July 2017, conference proceedings.
- Dr. Manohar Mareboyana, Super Resolution Sensing Images Using Edge-Directed Radial Basis Functions, SPIE, May 2017, refereed conference proceedings.
- Dr. Weifeng (Frank) Xu, An Empirical Study of Control ow Graphs for Unit Testing, 14th International Conference in Information Technology: New Generations, April 2017, conference proceedings.
- Dr. Frank Xu, Statistical Unigram Analysis for Source Code Repository, The 3rd IEEE International Conference of Multimedia Big Data, April 2017, conference proceedings.
- Dr. Sharad Sharma, Virtual Reality Instruction Modules for Introductory Programming Courses, ISEC, March 11, 2017, refereed conference proceedings.
- Dr. Sharad Sharma, Rijndael Algorithm for Database Encryption on a Course Management System, International Journal of Computers and their Applications, March 2017, refereed journal, IJCA, Vol. 24, no.1.
- Dr. Sharad Sharma, Megacity: A Collaborative Virtual Reality Environment for Emergency Response, Training and Decision Making, IS&T, January, 29–February 2, 2017, refereed conference proceedings.
- Dr. Sharad Sharma, Virtual Reality Instructional Modules in Education Based on Gaming Metaphor, IS&T, January 29 –Febuary 2, 2017, refereed conference proceedings.Dr. Jie Yan, A Survey: Tools for Human Motion Synthesis, EI International Conference on Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality, January, 29 –February 2, 2017, refereed conference proceedings.
- Dr. Soo-Yeon Ji, Designing a Hybrid Approach with Computational Analysis and Visual Analytics to Detect Network Intrusions, IEEE 7th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference, January 9-11, 2017, conference proceedings.
- Dr. Bo Yang, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier, January 10, 2017, journal paper review.
- Dr. Jie Yan, A Model of Local Binary Pattern Feature Descriptor for Valence Facial Expression Classification, IEEE Symposium of Multimedia, December 11-13, 2016, refereed conference proceedings.
- Dr. Soo-Yeon Ji, A Survey of Cloud-based Network Intrusion Detection Analysis, December 5, 2016, refereed journal.
- Dr. Seonho Choi, Identification of IP Controls Units by State Encoding and Side Channel Verification, Elsevier, November 2016, refereed journal – Microprocessor and Microsystems, Vol. 47, Part A.
- Dr. Bo Yang, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier, September 28, 2016, journal paper review.
- Dr. Sharad Sharma, Predicting Fair Housing Market Value: A Machine Learning Investigation, International Journal of Computers and their Applications, September 2016, refereed journal, IJCA, Vol 23.
- Dr. Darsana Josyula, METATHINK: A MOF-based Metacognitive Modeling Tool, 15th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, August 22, 2016, refereed conference paper.
- Dr. Hoda El-Sayed, Efficient Genetic K-Means Clustering in Healthcare Domain International Journal of Computer and Information Science, July – September 2016, Refereed Journal, IJCIS, Vol. 13, No. 3.
- Dr. Hoda El-Sayed, Efficient Genetic K-Means Clustering in Healthcare Knowledge Discovery, 2016 IEEE 14th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications, June 8-10, 2016, conference proceedings.
- Dr. Hoda El-Sayed, Social Media Analysis Using Optimized K-Means Clustering, 2016 IEEE 14th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications, June, 2016, conference proceedings.
- Dr. Frank Xu, Automated Integration Testing Using Logical Contracts, IEEE, 2016, Journal: IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 65, no. 3.
- Dr. Frank Xu, Ming Decision Trees as Test Oracles for Java Bytecode, International Society for Computers and their Applications (ISCA), 2016, Journal: International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, vol. 23.
- Dr. Frank Xu, Testing Software Using Swarm Intelligence: A Bee Colony Optimization Approach, 2016, Journal: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Collaborative Computing, vol. 2.
- Dr. Jie Yan, Leveraging Automated Animated Agent Commentary to Improve Sense-Making for Novice Users at Cyber Security Environment, National Cybersecurity Institute Journal, 2016, refereed journal article.
- Alkhonaini and H. El-Sayed, “Performance Evaluation and Examination of Data Transfer: A Review of Parallel Migration in Cloud Storage”. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal(ASTESJ), Volume 5, Issue 2, Page No. 57-63, 2020.
- Alkhonaini and H. El-Sayed, “Migrating Data Between Physical Server and Cloud: Improving Accuracy and Data Integrity”, The 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications (IEEE TrustCom-18) July 2018, New York, USA.
- Alkhonaini and H. El-Sayed, “Optimizing Performance and Security in Migrating Data Between Non-Cloud Infrastructure and Cloud Using Parallel Computing”, The 20th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2018), Exeter, UK, June 2018.
- Alkhonaini and H. El-Sayed, “Minimizing Delay Recovery and Enhancing Security in Migrating Data Between Physical Server and Cloud Computing Using Reed-Solomon Code”, The 20th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2018), Exeter, UK, June 2018.
- Mivule, L. Dali, and H. El-Sayed, “A Heuristic Attack Detection approach using the “Least Weighted” Attributes for Cyber security Data," IEEE Technically Sponsored Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2017, London, United Kingdom, September 2017.
Events for Academic Year 2017/2018
- Presentation, Computer Science Building (CSB), room 210, February 26, 2018. Invited talk given by Cheri Cummings, the Chief, Business Analytics within the Business Management & Acquisition Directorate at the National Security Agency (NSA). Topics include: Data Science / Quantitative Analysis jobs opportunities within NSA's Business, Management and Acquisition (BM&A) Directorate.
- Cybersecurity club meeting in CSB, room 210, February 2, 2018. Topic reviews how to set up Honeytokens using Canarytokens to detect intrusions in a network. Canarytokens is a free tool that helps the user discover if a network has been breached. The tokens allow users to implant traps around a network and when the traps are triggered, the system announces the invaders. Anyone who wants to learn more about the topic can visit https://canarytokens.org/generate.
- Cybersecurity club meeting in CSB, room 317, March 1, 2017. Topic includes Wireless Router Configuration, Wi-Fi Protected Access Cracking- WPS, and Wi-Fi Protected Access Cracking- Dictionary Attack.
- Cybersecurity club meeting in CSB, room 307, April 5, 2017. Topic includes spring 2017 NCL GYM registration and tutorial.
- Cybersecurity club meeting in CSB, room 311, November 1, 2017. Topic includes fall 2017 NCL GYM registration and tutorial.