Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.


Digital Media Arts

The Digital Media Arts concentration prepares students for careers in visual arts and exhibition, by combining digital arts and technology with traditional art making and research. Students may seek to integrate experimental design, drawing/illustration, painting, sculpture, video, photography with visual communication and new media.  

This major is ideal for the student who may come from a background in painting for example, but also would like to combine this medium with digital art, new media, video, etc. This would also be ideal for a student that does not desire to enter a career in graphic design per se (print & web) but seek ways to conduct research balanced with art making, technology and exploration. The objectives of the new concentration are as to prepare graduates to enter a career as a professional visual artist, with an emphasis on digital media and gallery exhibition. 

Expected student learning outcomes

After successful completion of coursework, portfolio reviews, exhibitions, internships and senior thesis projects, students will be able to:

  • Organize the advanced elements of the visual language creating harmonious and unique designs for art, advertisement and communication
  • Demonstrate the organizational principles that underline the effective manipulation of the optical elements in 2D and 3D space as well as interdisciplinary research and application
  • Demonstrate a full command of a variety of software packages and develop creative and effective problem-solving skills in art/technology
  • Combine elements of both traditional and digital art-making into a cohesive portfolio and senior exhibition/show
  • Develop sound business practices and knowledge as a professional, exhibiting artist/designer/producer
  • Produce a successful portfolio and resume for the professional art industry and/or graduate school

Digital Media Arts Advisement Checklist 4-year plan (pdf)

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