Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.


Fashion Design

The Fashion Design concentration prepares students for careers in (but not limited to): fashion design, product development, technical design, sourcing, production and fashion illustration. Students also merge skills in traditional art with technology, marketing/business and design. The new and Fashion Design concentration will provide students seeking with the opportunity to receive current, relevant, real world education to prepare them for a career in the fashion industry.

Students are prepared to obtain entry-level positions in the industry requiring specific skills in design, sketching, CAD, product development and garment construction. The objectives of the concentration are to prepare graduates to enter a career in the fashion industry with a focus on design, pattern making/technical design, illustration, product development, sourcing and production. Students will focus primarily on design and development and garment construction, and the integration of computer aided design and product management. Thus making graduates in this area more marketable and in demand.

Expected Student Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of coursework, portfolio reviews, exhibitions, internships and senior thesis projects, students will be able to:

  • Present and express ideas clearly with supporting materials such as mood boards, illustration boards, market research and a broad fashion vocabulary
  • Develop fashion figures and technical flats, effectively rendering drape, fabrics, and weight of materials
  • Create professional quality presentation boards with fashion sketches, flats and fabric swatches
  • Demonstrate full working knowledge of draping and flat pattern techniques
  • Demonstrate full working knowledge of garment construction techniques
  • Compose flats and patterns with Computer aided design programs
  • Construct three dimensional garment s from two dimensional sketches
  • Identify all phases and processes of the apparel industry from concept to consumer
  • Create a professional and cohesive collection of garments for portfolio
  • Compose a professional portfolio demonstrating their sketching, pattern drafting and garment construction knowledge

Fashion Design Advisement Checklist 4-year plan (pdf)

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