Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.

General Information and Services


The Henry Wise Wellness Center is an ambulatory facility, much like a doctor's office or small clinic, treating routine illnesses and minor injuries. Call 301-860-4170 to schedule an appointment. You may update your medical histories or upload your immunization record through the Patient Portal.

Who can use the Wellness Center?

All full-time or part-time undergraduate and graduate students can be treated at the Wellness Center. Student under 18 years of age must have a signed parental consent form on file for all services except emergency and reproductive health services.

Medical services are free, with the exception of miscellaneous charges including: 

$35 - Sports Physicals
$5 - Pregnancy tests
$4 - Rapid Strep tests
$5 - No-show Fee (Failure to cancel an appointment at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time.)

Payment is expected at time of service. Pay at the Cashier’s Office in the Henry Administration Building and bring the receipt to the appointment. The Wellness Center does not bill insurance companies. Note: Students must notify the Wellness Center of any insurance requirements before diagnostic tests or prescription medications are prescribed.

Health Insurance
Students are strongly encouraged to obtain health insurance to cover the costs of hospitalization, surgery, complicated diagnostic procedures, or medications not carried by the Wellness Center. Learn more about student health insurance.

Medical Absence Excuses
Medical excuses are provided at the discretion of the clinical staff. The student is responsible for meeting each instructor's requirements regarding class attendance.

Missing class due to a routine illness such as a cold should be discussed with your faculty member. Medical excuses are not given for these types of illness or due to appointments with the health center that could have been scheduled at other times.

Make your appointment for a time that does not conflict with your classes. Under no circumstances will we verify illness or absence for anyone not treated by Wellness staff.

Medical Records
In accordance with The Family Rights and Privacy Act, all medical records are confidential. Access to information is limited to authorized Wellness Center personnel, unless you give written consent or upon receipt of court-ordered subpoena. Additionally, medical records are destroyed seven years post-graduation or withdrawal.

Download a medical records release form. 

Tips for Students

  • If you are ill or injured away from campus and cannot return for several days, notify the director of Henry Wise Wellness Center at 301-860-4170.
  • If you are sent to the hospital by ambulance, you must make arrangements for your own transportation after your release.
  • If you are concerned that someone may injure himself or others, call Police & Public Safety at 301-860-4040.
  • If you are depressed or anxious, call Counseling Services at 301-860-4160.
  • If you have a question or concern that cannot be resolved by the Wellness Center or Counseling Center staff, contact Ms. Thomasina Boardley, Assistant Director of New Student Experience, at 301-860-3812.