English Major
Program Requirements
To earn a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree in English, students must successfully complete 120 semester hours.* Students who pursue a major or a minor in English must earn a grade of C or above in all English language and literature courses. All students taking English 100, 101, or 102 and Reading 100 or 101 must earn a C or higher. Students pursuing a concentration in Language and Literature, an option available to Bachelor of Arts candidates, must complete 45 semester hours specific to the concentration. Students who minor in a foreign language sequence or who take foreign language courses to meet discipline requirements must earn a grade of C or higher in each course. *BA majors must also take 12 credit hours in French or Spanish. Review the tracks and minor programs available in the Department of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies.
All English majors must also:
- Pass the Bowie State University English Proficiency Examination immediately after completing ENGL102, Composition, and Literature II. Transfer students should take the English Proficiency Examination the first semester of matriculation.
- Take the Senior Comprehensive Examination.
- Present an original research-based paper, creative work, or investigative report at the Senior Symposium.