Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.

The College Eye (1935-1967)

This list is not comprehensive. If you have editions not listed here, please allow us to digitize them, or you can even donate them to Archives & Special Collections.

The College Eye stared out as The Normal Eye, since at that time Bowie was known as Maryland Normal and Industrial School at Bowie. A "normal school" was where high school graduates were trained to become teachers, and where they learned the teaching standards, or norms, of their time. In 1938, the name of the school changed to Maryland Teachers College at Bowie, and this was reflected in the changed name of the newspaper to The College Eye. At this time the school principal, Leonidas S. James, became President of the college.

In November 1965, students began producing a weekly paper called The College Ear, as a reaction to publishing infrequency of The College Eye.

The means of producing this newspaper changed over time. The printed versions are the easiest to read, and search. The typed editions were reproduced by the use of a mimeograph machine. You typed the copy (and drew the pictures) onto a master sheet, paper coated with wax backed by stiff cardboard. This created a stencil, and the ink was forced through holes in the stencil onto paper, allowing multiple copies to be made from one master.