Campus Closed Jan. 7 due to Weather

Due to the inclement weather, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, and all classes and office operations will be virtual. All campus activities are canceled. We will continue to monitor the weather and provide updates as needed. For any further information, please visit the university website.

VI - 1.11 - Policy on Reasonable Accommodations for Student Faith-based or Religious Beliefs and Observance

I. Purpose

Bowie State University is committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive living, learning and working environment. In accordance with state law (Maryland Code Education Article, Section 15-137 (2023)), the University will make good faith efforts to accommodate students’ sincerely held faith-based or religious beliefs and practices that conflict with a University policy, procedure or other academic requirement, unless such accommodation would create an undue hardship for the University. This policy governs such accommodations to ensure access to university programs and services for students.

II. Definitions

Religious Accommodation - A reasonable change in academic environment that enables a studentpractice or otherwise observe a sincerely held faith-based or religious belief or practice without unduly compromising the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course requirements or imposing undue hardship on the University. A religious accommodation may include but is not limited to time for prayer during the academic day; the ability to attend religious events or observe a religious holiday; or any necessary modification to University policy, procedure or other requirement for a student’s faith-based or religious beliefs, observance or practice; provided such accommodation is reasonable and does not cause undue hardship.

Undue Hardship - Significant difficulty or expense incurred by the University to provide a reasonable accommodation. The analysis of what constitutes undue hardship will be determined on a case-by-case inquiry, requiring consideration of financial costs, additional administration burden, complexity of implementation, and any negative impact the accommodation may have on the operations of the University.

III. Policy

All academic programs and services of the University are available to all qualified students admitted to the University, regardless of their faith-based or religious beliefs. University policies and practices shall not penalize students for individual participation in faith-based or religious observances or organized religious activities.

Any student who is unable to attend classes or any academic activities on a particular day or days or at a particular time of day because of the tenets of a sincerely held faith-based or religious practice or belief or organized religious activity may be excused from attending classes or any academic activities on such day or days or at such particular time of day.

The University will make a reasonable effort to protect the requesting student’s privacy in evaluating and processing the request for accommodation. However, following receipt of the request, the University official in receipt of the request may speak with other University officials as necessary (e.g., Department Chair, Office of Equity Compliance, etc.) to further evaluate and/or implement the accommodation. The University may suggest an alternative accommodation it deems reasonable. If there is more than one option, the University will balance a student’s expressed preference with operational or academic considerations.

IV. Guidelines


    1. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the faculty of each instance of any intended absences or requests for make-up assignments related to any individual faith-based or religious belief or practice. Requests should be made directly to the faculty member for the course, in writing, within the add/drop period of each course. Requests should include a description of the make-up or other requested modification, how the faith-based or religious observance affects their ability to complete an assignment by the deadline, attend class, or take a specific test or examination, and how the requested modification will resolve/ address the conflict between the assignment, class, test or exam and their participation in the faith-based or religious observance.
    2. Faculty, in consultation as needed with the Office of Equity Compliance, will determine and communicate to the student whether and how the request may be granted, or what alternative arrangements can be made.
    3. A student who disagrees with a faculty member’s decision as it relates to a request related to a faith-based or religious observance or practice should first contact the Chair of the Department and submit an appeal, with a copy to the Dean of the respective College. A student wishing to appeal the decision of the Chair should file that appeal with the College Dean. Such appeals are to be reviewed in accordance with duly established campus academic complaint procedures protecting the rights of all parties; students who file such appeals shall not be penalized in any way.
    4. Excused absences do not alter the academic requirements for the course. Students are responsible for information and material missed on the day of absence. Students are, within reason, entitled to receive any materials provided to the class during the absence. Students are responsible for making provisions to determine what course materials they have missed and for completing required assignments in a timely manner.
    5. Non-academic types of faith-based or religious accommodation requests from students (e.g., regarding dining, housing, etc.) should be directed to the Dean of Students. The request should include the specific faith-based or religious belief or practice that is the basis of the request, as well as the requested accommodation or modification to policy, procedure, or other academic requirement. The Dean will then gather the necessary information to consider the request. In some cases, the Dean may need to obtain additional information and/or documentation about the student’s religious practice(s) or belief(s). The Dean will discuss the request with relevant individuals and, in consultation with the Office of Equity Compliance, make a decision. The Dean may also seek clarity on the nature of the religious belief(s), practice(s), and accommodation(s) from a student’s spiritual leader (if applicable) or religious or philosophy scholars to address the request for an exception.


Faculty are strongly encouraged to make reasonable accommodations in response to student requests to complete work missed by absence resulting from observation of faith-based or religious holidays. Such accommodations should not dilute or preclude the requirements or learning outcomes for the course. Examples of reasonable accommodations include rescheduling of an exam or giving a make-up exam for the student in question; altering the time of a student’s presentation; or arranging for an increased flexibility in assignment due dates.

The student should be given the opportunity to complete appropriate make-up work that is equivalent and intrinsically no more difficult than the original exam or assignment. Students who receive an exemption on religious grounds cannot be penalized for failing to attend class on the days exempted. Otherwise, the instructor may appropriately respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete any alternative assignment or examination.

Faculty shall not ask a student for proof that their faith-based or religious practices or beliefs are sincerely held or for determining a religious accommodation. If there are concerns about the requested accommodation, the instructor should consult their Department Chair or Dean for assistance and a determination of whether a reasonable accommodation can be provided. If after consulting with the Department Chair or Dean an agreement is not reached, the Department Chair will advise the Dean and refer the matter to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee. The Provost will make the final determination in consultation with the Office of Equity Compliance.


The University may impose disciplinary action for violations of this policy. Violations should be reported to the Office of Equity Compliance at

Faculty who need advice or assistance, and students who have concerns about possible discrimination on the basis of faith-based or religious beliefs and practices should contact the Office of Equity Compliance at or file a complaint online

V. Related Policies

USM III-5.10 - Policy Concerning the Scheduling of Academic Assignments on Dates of Religious Observance

BSU VI-1.03 - Policy on Reasonable Accommodations


Effective Date: October 19, 2023