Campus Closed Jan. 7 due to Weather

Due to the inclement weather, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, and all classes and office operations will be virtual. All campus activities are canceled. We will continue to monitor the weather and provide updates as needed. For any further information, please visit the university website.

VI - 12.00 - Policy on Emergency Conditions Procedures for Cancellation of Classes and Release of Employees

It is the intent of Bowie State University to provide classes and campus operations during normal working hours. During times of inclement weather, when it is deemed necessary for the safety of students and/or employees, the University will follow the procedures listed below:

I. The Director of Campus Safety will assess the condition of the facilities, roads, and walkways approaching the campus. This assessment will include checking with the State Police, the County Policy, the State Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Weather Bureau. The Director of Campus Safety will report findings to the Vice President for Administration and Finance. The Vice President for Administration and Finance will discuss alternate suggestions with the Provost and the Senior Vice President for  Academic Affairs who will make a decision to close or not close the University. If the Provost is out of town the Vice President for Administration and Finance will consult with the Vice President for Student and Academic Services. Whenever possible, every attempt will be made to announce the decision before 6:00 a.m.

II. If it is determined that classes should be canceled and/or that employees should be released, it becomes the responsibility of the Provost to notify the following personnel to  disseminate information to their units:

A. The Director of the Office of Public Relations who, in turn, will notify the appropriate media (Radio/TV) and put the message on the marquee at the entrance to campus;

B. Vice Presidents;

1. The Vice President for Administration and Finance will be responsible for notifying the Director of Human Resources, Administration and Finance personnel. Telecommunications personnel will insure that the appropriate message is recorded for calls to the switchboard. The Director of Campus Safety will be responsible for communicating accurate closing information  to all individuals who contact the Public Safety Department for information.

2. The Vice President for Student and Academic Services will be responsible for notifying and clarifying closing information to all students, the President of the Student Government Association, and all student services personnel.

3. The Vice President for Institutional Advancement will be responsible for notifying and clarifying the closing information to units within that area.

C. The Executive Assistant to the President for Planning, Assessment and Budget; 

D. The Associate Provost and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research;

  • The Associate Provost will notify the Dean of the School of Continuing Education and Extended Studies and the Dean of the University College of Excellence.

E. The Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;

  • The Associate Vice President will notify the Deans of the Schools of Professional Studies and Arts and Sciences, who will notify their faculty.

III. Employees should listen for announcements from the following news media:

Baltimore Stations

  • WNAV-AM 1430 AM
  • WPOC 93.1FM
  • WLIF 101.9 FM
  • WMAR-TV Channel 2
  • WBAL-TV Channel 11
  • WJZ-TV Channel 13

Washington Stations

  • WTOP 102.3 FM
  • WMAL 630 AM
  • WRC-TV Channel 4
  • FOX-TV Channel 5
  • W*USA-TV Channel 7
  • News Channel 8 Channel 8
  • WDVM-TV Channel 9

Any employee who does not have access to the identified news media should call the University switchboard at (301) 860-4000 or (800) 877-77 BOWIE to receive information regarding Emergency Condition Procedures in effect. In the event information is not available through the switchboard, the employee should call the Public Safety Office at (301) 860-4040 for instructions.

IV. The announcement to be given to the news media will be one of the following:

A. When all classes are canceled for the day but the campus remains officially open:   "Bowie State University classes are canceled. Employees may use liberal leave."

B. When classes and campus offices are opening late: "Bowie State University is opening _____ hours late. Employees may use liberal leave."

C. When the campus is officially closed for staff and students: "Bowie State University is closed under emergency conditions.

V. With the official closing of the campus under emergency conditions, employees are granted administrative leave. Those employees who are designated as Essential Employees will not be guided by these instructions. Essential Employees are governed by the established procedures within their departments.

VI. Decisions regarding evening classes will be made by 3:00 p.m. after consultation with the Vice President for Business and Finance, the Associate Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies and Research and the Dean of Continuing Education and Extended Studies.

VII. Announcement of closing for evening classes will be made by the Director of Public Relations upon notification by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. When conditions prohibit the offering of weekend classes or other scheduled events, announcements will be made by the Director of Public Relations upon the  direction of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Provost will also notify the Director of the Wiseman Centre, who, in turn, will notify designated individuals identified as responsible parties for events which must be canceled. The Provost will notify the President of final decisions.

VIII. When conditions prohibit the offering of weekend classes or other scheduled events, announcements will be made by the Director of Public Relations upon the direction of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Provost will also notify the  Director of the Wiseman Centre, who, in turn, will notify designated individuals identified as responsible parties for events which must be canceled. 

IX. The Provost will notify the President of final decisions.


Effective Date:  11/26/1997