Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.

VI - 9.07 - Policy on Collecting Outstanding Parking Fines

I. Flagging Motor Vehicle Tags


A list of Maryland registered motor vehicles with unpaid BSU parking tickets will be submitted to the Maryland department of Motor Vehicles and Prince George's County Administration to be flagged. Tags which have been flagged cannot be renewed until fines have been paid.


1. A list of motor vehicles with outstanding tickets is submitted for flagging on a monthly basis.

2. Notification letters indicating additional fees owed are sent to violators one per month for three months.

3. Ticket payments are to be made at the Student Accounts Office located in the Henry Administration Building.

4. After payment of a ticket and a $5.00 charge for a VR-119, a violator must take the cash receipt form to the Department of Public Safety, Robinson Hall, to obtain the VR-119 form (verifies that all parking violations fines have been paid at BSU) to be taken to MVA in order to renew the vehicle registration (Maryland tags only).

II. BSU Student Unpaid Parking Fines

All unpaid fines that are delinquent 90 or more days will cause a flag to be placed against the student's account. The student will not be allowed to register until the account is satisfied in full.

III. BSU Faculty/Staff Unpaid Parking Fines

All unpaid fines that are 90 or more days delinquent are considered to be debts owed to the State. Notice of the unpaid fines will be submitted to Central Payroll for deduction from the employee's paycheck. No deductions will be made until the employee has been given notice of the proposed deduction in a letter from the BSU Department of Public Safety and an opportunity to rebut the State's claim that a debt is owed by the employee.

IV. Towing of Vehicles

Unpaid parking fines will result in the revocation of BSU campus operating/parking privileges until satisfied in full. Vehicles found on Campus with unpaid fines will be towed at the owner's expense. All impound fees, fines and violations must be paid before the vehicle will be released to the owner. There is a $10 charge for the vehicle release form. RN - SEC # - Policy Title


Effective Date: 05/10/1994