Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.

VI - 9.09 - Policy for Reserved Parking

I. Purpose

Reserved parking designations are established for campus employees to park within close proximity to their office or place of operation at various times, including day or night as well as weekends.

II. Applicability

A. Scope

This policy is applicable to faculty and staff who are Department Heads, Deans, Directors or Chair Persons of their particular unit.  Also, the President of the University may designate persons not included in the above categories for reserved parking.

B. Eligibility - to participate, the employee:

1. Must be on the designated reserve list.

2. Pay the required hang tag fee. (The hang tag period is September 1st to August 31st of the following year).

3. Park in designated space.

C. Responsibility of each eligible employee:

1. Report to the Office of Campus Safety if a car other than their own is parked in their reserved space.

2. Inform the Office of Campus Safety in advance and in writing if a car other than their own will be permitted to park in their reserved space.

III. Guideline and Standards

The following guidelines and standards are applicable to all the designated BSU Personnel.

A. To Obtain a Reserved Parking Space

1. If a faculty or staff member feels that he/she is eligible for a reserved parking space, he/she must submit the request in writing to his/her academic department or Vice President for consideration.

2. The Vice President will forward the request to the President.

3. The President shall either approve or disapprove the request.

4. If approved, a reserved parking space will be designated by the Office of Campus Safety.

B. Purchase of Reserved Permit

1. The eligible employee shall pay the current reserved parking fee (parking fees are subject to change) at the Student Accounts Office in the Henry Administration Building.

2. The employee shall bring receipt to Bowie State University Police Department Office in Robinson Hall, Room 107, and fill out a registration card. Upon the successful completion of the preceding process, a permit will be issued.

C. Reserved Parking Space

1. Only the faculty or staff member who has been approved for a designated reserved parking space may park in that space.

2. Any other staff, faculty member or student parked in a designated reserved parking space, will be ticketed and towed at owner's expense.

IV. Exceptions


V. Definitions

Reserved Parking spaces are assigned to eligible BSU employees.  They are numbered and likewise designated by posted signs throughout the BSU Campus.


Effective Date:  12/22/1998