Campus Closed Jan. 21 - Operations Virtual

Due to a power outage, Bowie State University’s campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All classes and office operations will be virtual except for planned activities in the James and McKeldin Gymnasiums.

VI - 9.05 - Policy on Parking on University Property

I.  Policy 

Faculty, staff, and students of Bowie State University who operate vehicles on the campus must purchase and display University parking stickers. Any person who ceases to meet the requirements for the parking permit issued must return the permit to the Traffic Department of Public Safety.

II. Procedures


1. Permits are valid for one year (September 1 through August 31).

2. A University parking sticker entitles the person to park in appropriate lots on the campus.

a. Each parking area contains clearly marked, special parking places designated for the handicapped. Only those vehicles with appropriate MVA tags may park in these places.

b. Other reserved parking areas are indicated by signs--"Faculty and Staff only," "President," etc.

c. Unauthorized vehicles parked in any specially marked and reserved areas are subject to ticketing and/or towing.


1. Motor vehicles on the University campus are subject to the Transportation Articles of the Annotated Code of Maryland; State Uniform Citations will be issued by campus security personnel for parking and moving violations. Unpaid parking tickets are reported in the Maryland system and will result in inability to get license plates reissued and in additional fines.

2. Persons receiving parking violations must either pay the fine or request an appeal within ten days of the violation date. Fines for all violations double after ten days and triple after thirty days of citation issue date.

a. Payment of parking fines may be made in person or by mail to the Office of Student Accounts, Henry Administration Building. Cash, money orders and credit cards are accepted. No personal checks will be accepted after ten days from the citation issue date.

b. To appeal a citation, tear off the bottom portion of the ticket, provide the required information (name, address, and driver's license number), and return the ticket to the Department of Public Safety, Robinson Hall. The notice of the intention to appeal will be sent to the Prince George's County District Court. The District Court will send notification of date and time of hearing.

c. See VI - 9.07 - Procedures for Collecting Outstanding Parking Fines, Bowie State University Policy and Procedures Manual, for University policy and procedures for collection of outstanding fines.


Authorization to park in reserved spaces, reserved areas, or non-reserved areas is terminated or revoked by the conditions or actions listed below. Permits must be returned to the Traffic Department.

1. Disposal of the registered vehicle by the permit holder.

2. Any permanent change in the parking arrangements revokes the previous arrangements.

3. Any new registration with the Traffic Department revokes all arrangements made during a previous registration period. Permits for previous registration periods must be removed from the vehicle.

BOWIE STATE UNIVERSITY PARKING REGULATIONS, containing all traffic and parking rules and regulations of the University, is available from the Office of Public Safety, Robinson Hall.


Effective Date: 11/30/1994