Rehana Azeem

Hometown: Lanham, MD
Major: Nursing
Classification: Sophomore
What inspired you to choose your major?
I always knew I wanted to do something in the medical field. But then my little sister was in the neonatal intensive care unit when she was born. Seeing her there with all the other babies made me realize that this exactly where I want to work.
What are some BOLD moves you've made on campus?
There was a girl in my class who everyone shied away from, because she had some type of disability. I felt bad and always wanted to work with her – even if I had to explain things twice. I know how it feels to be left out and I don’t want someone else to feel like that.
What makes Bowie State special to you?
The environment and the people. Everyone is really welcoming. It’s more like a family. When I’m walking, professors stop and say “Hi, how are you? Good morning.” I’ve always comfortable here.
Some express being bold in fashion or writing, how do you express your BOLD?
What makes me bold is by hijab. It’s a huge part of me and it’s been that way for a long time. A lot of people think that my parents make me where it, but it’s my choice.