Solomon Keliojor

Hometown: Norristown, PA
Major: Business Information Systems Major
Classification: Junior
What are some BOLD moves you’ve made on campus?
I’m a transfer student. As soon as I got here, the first thing I did was become an Undergraduate Learning Assistant. I know that I want to have an impact on other students, so that was the first thing I signed up for.
Are you involved in any campus organizations?
I’m a part of National Association of Black Accountants and also Lift – a community service organization on campus.
What are your expectations for yourself as a student?
I want to be a role model and have an impact on campus. I want to make sure that everyone feels like they have a say on campus and that they all feel include in some way.
What makes Bowie State special to you?
The diversity – and not just culturally, but also in the mindsets of the people here.
What makes you BOLD?
My ability to be adventurous. Bowie State taught me to be myself, to let loose and to just be free.
What do you look forward to doing after you graduate?
I want to branch into a different fields. I’m still deciding what I want to do and my major gives me a good base to try different things.