VII - 2.10 - Policy on Employment of Members of the Same Family (Nepotism) for Non-Exempt and Exempt Personnel

I. Purpose

To establish implementation procedures for BOR VII-2.10-Policy on Employment of Members of the Same Family (Nepotism) for Non-Exempt and Exempt Personnel.

II. Applicability

Exempt and Non-Exempt employees of Bowie State University (BSU).

III. Guidelines and Standards

A. With the offer of a non-exempt or exempt position, selected candidates will be asked to identify any family members working for BSU. If none are identified, the candidate will certify upon acceptance of the position that no family members are employed by BSU. If a family member is identified by the candidate, the Senior Director of Human Resources or designee will determine if a supervisor/subordinate relationship would exist or if the candidate and family member would work for the same supervisor.

B. If a supervisor/subordinate relationship is found to exist, the position will not be offered. Where there would be the same supervisor as that of a family member, the Senior Director of Human Resources may offer the position with advanced written approval of President where there is reasonable assurance that the employee or family member would not be in a position to act as advocate or judge for the other with respect to conditions of employment or promotion. In such a circumstance, the Senior Director of Human Resources or designee shall advise the supervisor of any potential for nepotism and the requirements of this policy.

C. When a supervisor/subordinate relationship develops after employment or when family members are recommended to work for the same supervisor after employment, family members must notify the institution Senior Director of Human Resources immediately.  The Senior Director of Human Resources or designee will investigate the situation and take prompt action to ensure the transfer, reassignment or removal of one or more family members as appropriate to comply with policy.

IV. Exceptions

This policy does not apply to appointments and promotions made, or to family relationships which existed, prior to the effective date of BOR VII-2.10-Policy on Employment of Members of the Same Family (Nepotism) for Non-Exempt and Exempt Personnel (approved by the Board of Regents, February 28, 1992).

For additional reference and guidance, refer to BOR VI-2.10-Policy on Employment of Members of the Same Family (Nepotism) for Non-Exempt and Exempt Personnel (approved by the Board of Regents, February 28, 1992).


Effective Date:  05/05/1998

Revised Date:  04/17/2012