VII - 6.10 - Policy on Employment Planning

I. Objective

It is the goal of the University that responsible administrators plan and project their hiring needs on an annual basis. To that end, the objective of this policy is to provide an organized approach to identifying staffing needs and setting target dated for hiring new employees.

II. Applicability

This policy applies to regular and contractual employment of faculty and staff. All departments of the University are subject to the standards and guidance stated in this policy.

III.  Definitions

A. Regular Faculty and Staff Positions - budgeted positions or PINS that include full benefits. B. Long-Term Contractual Positions - Temporary appointments for a period of six months or greater which require the execution of an employment contract and the use of a special Payroll Authorization (Form 311).

C. Short-Term Contractual Positions - Temporary appointments for a period of fewer than six months which require the execution of an employment contract and the use of a Special Payroll authorization (Form 311).

D. Responsible Administrators - Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and/or Supervisors with responsibility or authority to effectively recommend hiring of employees.

IV. Policy Administration and Accountability

The Director of Human Resources (DHR) is responsible for administering this policy under the general directions of the President of the University.

V. Guidelines and Standards

Responsible administrators are responsible for being knowledgeable of the operational and staffing needs of their assigned areas. Each fiscal Year, the responsible administrator shall review the operational requirements for the department and assess any changes in staffing needs. It is the responsibility of that individual to plan and schedule recruitment and hiring activities to ensure a timely and efficient employment process.

A. Necessary Approvals - to fill a position, the following are required:

1. Approval of job class and salary rate by the DHR for staff positions, or

2. Approval of rank and salary rate by the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs for faculty positions; and

3. Funding by the appropriate departmental and/or University budget Officer; and

4. Approval of the personnel requisition by the appropriate departmental and/or divisional authorities.

B. New Staff Positions

By the beginning of each fiscal year (July 1 for University funded-positions and October 1 for federally-funded positions), responsible administrators shall have identified staffing needs for regular and long-term contractual positions required for the fiscal year. Upon approval to fill the position(s) and confirmation of job class, salary level and funding, the responsible administrator shall immediately initiate recruitment for the position(s). the recruitment process includes submitting the required forms, including a personnel requisition with a position description, to the DHR. Failure to initiate the recruitment process within 30 days of all necessary approvals may result in withdrawal of approval to fill the position or reassignment of the position to another department.

C. Existing Staff Positions

For positions that become vacant during the course of the fiscal year due to employee separations, it is the responsible administrator's responsibility to immediately initiate the recruitment process. Failure to initiate the recruitment process within 30 days of all necessary approvals may result in withdrawal of approval to fill the position or reassignment of the position to another department.

D. Faculty Positions - Fall/Spring Semesters

Recruitment for regular and contractual faculty positions shall be in accordance with the Faculty Recruitment Calendar as approved by the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. Each Dean or Department Chairperson shall have identified staffing needs for the Fall and Spring Semesters by March and September of each year, respectively, and shall make request to the Provost to begin the recruitment process by April and October each year. The Provost shall authorize Deans and/or Department Chairpersons to recruit to fill faculty positions based on University priorities as determined by the President. Selected candidates for faculty positions should be identified by July 15th for the Fall Semester and December 15th for the Spring Semester.

E. Faculty Positions - Summer Session

Each Dean or Department Chairperson shall have identified staffing needs for the Summer School by February 1st of each year and shall recruit and identify selected candidates for faculty positions by March 1st.

F. Short-Term Contractual Positions

Short term contractual positions shall only be used to address immediate, temporary or part time intermittent needs due to staffing shortfalls. To the extent possible, use of such positions during a given fiscal year shall be planned and identified by the beginning of that fiscal year. Short-term contractual positions shall not be used to replace positions which are intended to be long-term contractual or regular positions. Recruitment and hiring of employees for short-term contractual positions shall be in accordance with the BSU Policy on Contractual Employment and related implementation procedures.

VI. Exceptions and Deviations

Any deviations from the standards and guidelines must be requested in writing to the director of Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources is responsible for reviewing such request and determining the necessity of granting the requests. Exceptions to the above standards and guidelines are to be recommended by the Director of Human Resources to the President for approval.


Effective Date:  10/17/1996