VII - 6.11 - Policy on Teleworking

Telework Forms

The following forms are required for employees who are seeking to telework:

I. Purpose

Bowie State University’s teleworking program allows eligible employees to work at remote workplaces in accordance with this Policy on Teleworking.

II. Applicability

This policy applies to those positions, which have been identified by supervisors and the Office of Human Resources as being suitable for teleworking. Supervisors and the Office of Human Resources will determine which employees are in jobs suitable for teleworking. Teleworking is voluntary and may be terminated by the employee or supervisor at any time.

III. Definitions

  1. Eligible Employee - An employee in a job identified, by the employee's supervisor, as being suitable for
  2. Approved teleworking position – Is a position approved by the BSU as suitable for teleworking.
  3. Remote Work Site - Means a Location other than the employees office, which has been approved for employee teleworking. A remote workplace may include the employees home, satellite office, or a Telework Center.
  4. Telework Center - A facility that offers office-like workstations and electronic equipment that may be used by State agencies to house Teleworking
  5. Teleworker – A person who, for at least four days a month, works at a Remote Work Site to produce specific deliverables as stated in the Telework Work Plan.
  6. Teleworking – Working at a location other than the employee's usual and customary
  7. Telework Work Plan – A specific set of defined work expectations to be met each time the employee works at a Remote Work Site.
  8. Approved Teleworking Position – A position approved by Bowie State University.

IV. Scope

This policy applies to employees at Bowie State University. It provides rules and standards for determining when an employee may be eligible to telework on a regular basis, the scheduling of telework, requirement for a remote workplace, and other terms applicable to telework arrangements.

This policy does not apply to circumstances in which supervisors allow employees to telework on rare occasions because of weather or for reasons of professional or personal necessity.

V. Guidelines and Standards

A. Employee Participation

Before allowing an employee to telework, the employee's supervisor shall review with the employee the following:

  1. The Bowie State University Teleworking Agreement;
  2. The Teleworker Work Schedule

The employee shall be required to complete and return, to the supervisor, the Bowie State University Teleworking Agreement and the Teleworker Work Schedule before teleworking.

B. Eligible Telework Position
  1. Probationary employees are not permitted to telework.
  2. Employee’s overall performance evaluations are “Meets Standards” or higher and if, the judgment of the employee’s supervisor
  3. The specific work duties, assignments, and activities to be performed while teleworking are portable can be performed as effectively outside the office.
  4. The employee’s face to face contact with other employees, clients, and members of the public can be replaced by telephone or e-mail communication without a loss of effectiveness or productivity.
  5. Adherence to the BSUs, regulations, and policies is required and is unaffected by an employee’s status as a telework or while the employee is working at a Remote Work Site.
C. Eligible Employee
  1. Has demonstrated self-motivation independence and dependability in accomplishing work assignments;
  2. Has demonstrated reliable and responsible performance of duties;
  3. Has effective time management skills; and
  4. Does not require close supervision or face-to-face interaction with co-workers to complete assignments.
D. Telework Schedules
  1. An eligible employee may telework for up to the equivalent of approximately 4 days per month in accordance with this policy. Approval for telework for more than 4 days per month requires approval by the employee’s supervisor and the Office of Human Resources.
  2. The employee and supervisor will develop a telework schedule. As appropriate, the schedule will designate the days on which the employee will be permitted to telework on a regular basis or will indicate that the employee will telework intermittently.
  3. The employee’s telework schedule may be revised or rescinded by the supervisor at any time in order to meet the needs of the unit, or to address questions regarding completion of assignments, productivity or performance.

VI. Condition

A. Employment
  1. The teleworker's duties, obligations, responsibilities and conditions of employment with Bowie State University will be unaffected by teleworking.
  2. The teleworker's salary, retirement benefits, and State of Maryland sponsored insurance coverage will remain unchanged by the teleworking arrangement.
  3. All work hours, overtime compensation, and leave usage must conform to the Annotated Code of Maryland, Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR), the BOR and/or Bowie State University Collective Bargaining MOUs, the provisions of the Bowie State University Teleworker's Agreement, and to the terms otherwise agreed upon by the employee and the supervisor.
  4. The teleworker must have the pre-approval of the teleworker's supervisor before working overtime at a remote workplace.
  5. The holding of work-related meetings while at home, unless otherwise approved is not permitted.
B.Equipment and Supplies
  1. The teleworker must have a telephone and a designated workspace with appropriate equipment and supplies to do the assigned work at the remote workplace. Work related long distance phone calls should be planned for in- office days.
  2. If the teleworker does not possess the equipment and software required to telework at the Remote Work Site, the agency is not required to provide them.
  3. Bowie State University may, but is not required to, provide the teleworker with equipment and services.
  4. Bowie State University equipment provided to an employee shall remain the property of the University and shall be returned to the University upon termination of employment, the termination of an employee’s participation in the telework program, or at such time as is deemed appropriate by the supervisor.
  5. The use of equipment, software, data, supplies and furniture, if provided by the University, is limited to use by authorized persons and for purposes related to university business only. Employees must sign a receipt with the Materials Manager before removing any equipment from the premises.
  6. The teleworker will be responsible for the security of all items furnished by Bowie State University.
  7. The University may provide the teleworker with the following equipment:


Desktop computers




Cables; and software

C. Workspace
  1. The teleworker must have an area designated as workspace.
  2. The workspace should be maintained in a safe condition, free of hazards that might endanger the employee or university equipment.
  3. Expenses for long distance calls that must be made from a teleworker’s home may be reimbursed if the reason and cost for the call are documented.
  4. The teleworker is responsible for the cost of maintenance, repair and operation of personal equipment that has not been provided by the University.
D. Liability for Injuries While Teleworking
  1. The teleworker is covered under the State's Workers' Compensation Law for injuries occurring in the course of the actual performance of official duties at the remote workplace.
  2. The teleworker or someone acting on the teleworker's behalf shall immediately notify the teleworker's supervisor of any accident or injury that occurs at the remote workplace.
  3. The University and the supervisor should then follow the State's policies regarding the reporting of injuries for employees injured while at work.
  4. The University is not liable for damages to the teleworker's personal or real property while the teleworker is working at the remote workplace, except to the extent adjudicated to be liable under Maryland law.
E. Child/Dependent Care
  1. Teleworking is not a substitute for child or dependent care.
  2. The teleworker must continue to make arrangements for child or dependent care to the same extent as if the teleworker was working at the main office.
  3. The teleworker must refrain from conducting personal business while on work status at the Remote Work site.
  4. The teleworker must complete the Telework Schedule to include the Main and Remote Work Site addresses, telephone numbers, work hours each day and the daily lunch period.
  5. The supervisor must agree to any changes to the Telework Schedule in advance.
  1. The supervisor may make an on-site visit to the teleworker's remote workplace for the purposes of determining that the site is safe and free from hazards and to maintain, repair, inspect or retrieve university-owned equipment, software, data or supplies.
  2. Before an inspection of the remote workplace, the supervisor shall provide the employee with at least 24 hours’ notice of the inspection.
  3. Inspections shall only be made during normal work hours.
H. Security of Confidential Information

A teleworker shall properly protect and secure all Bowie State University owned data, files, records, software, and equipment. Bowie State University owned data and software shall not be used to create employee-owned software or personal data. Teleworkers shall comply with all Bowie State University policies regarding security of confidential information and protect Bowie State of University from unauthorized disclosure or damage.

VII. Deviations

The University may take appropriate disciplinary or adverse actions against the supervisor or the employee for failing to comply with the provisions of the University’s Policy on Teleworking.